Yes sir we can call this a happy Tuesday =) Woke up tired but felt good. Kennedy let me sleep in a little an she has been in such a good mood even with her sunburn ouch! Seems with some patience an a little time things are def looking better an feeling better. I am almost embarrassed of a few of my previous post an going into detail of how crappy i felt but well this is me, its real an I'm living it. I don't really care who approves of what i say or how i feel from one day to the next. I wont sensor myself. Ohh what will people think of me if i write this or that well i don't care. I'm allowed a bad day here an there an I'm only human an no my relationship isn't perfect but that only means we have found ways to grow. I love my kids no doubt an i love Robert as well. I don't feel the need to over exaggerate on trying to make people think everything is easy an perfect cause well its not! I tell it like it is an its uncut, raw an ME. Just wanted to throw that out there. I am happy =) an i have bad days =) an I'm in love<3....
So this weekend I felt accomplished with just relaxing an enjoying the weather. Played outside some with Aaron throwing the football around and walking down by the lake. Kennedy gave me some pretty poses to take pictures and well Aaron tried but he has become fearful of bees an any other bug that flies so he was more ready to go back to the house then take pictures. Poor guy. I am really hoping this is a phase and that it goes away with time. Its hard watching my little boy be fearful to go out an play like he use too =( We go to the doctor today and will def be bringing it up just to get an idea on what may be going on. Also Kk managed to get a sunburn on her shoulders an arm poor kid hehe she was not happy. Robert an I caught up on some reading too which was really nice. He loves to read and well after 3 kids I never had time to set back an enjoy a good book..until Robert. So picked up reading again and have read over 5 books in the last 6 months ha ha. Anyways need less to say my weekend was great!! Me and Robert seem to be back on track and the kids seem to be better too. I love my little family. Things can only go up from here and God is pushing us along =)
Well i am super excited about going to jacksboro this weekend an for once with no kiddos. Don't get me wrong I love taking the kids but I'd like a tiny break! And Mema(Donna) is making that happen yay!! She is agreeing to take the kids all weekend plus she will be out at grandmas(Gladys) so the kids get double hugs an kisses. An I get alone time with my mommy an sisters =) It just gets hard having to find enough room to sleep 5 of us an now only 2!! OH I'm running out of time today...gotta 4 o'clock appointment with the boys in Greenville an i need to get ready. Wish me luck an will fill in on my awesome soon to be weekend when i return Sunday =)
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