Her 1st time to the beach! |
Well received a letter in the mail from Chris's attorney yesterday saying they wanted to hold me in contempt for not signing forms saying he is entitled to 1 half of my child tax exemption. Wow really? I'm blown away right now. Not only has he dropped my kids insurance 2 months ago but also is behind on child support. I could go on an on about this like how he hardly ever calls the kids he doesn't take them when the papers say he can. ooh like for thanksgiving which he went to the Bahama's but couldn't see his kids. He says he cant afford to help pay for school pictures or pay for soccer or school supplies or school clothes or how about when i called in January asking him to help pay for a 195.00 prescription for C but said no or how about A's 200.00 glasses..think he helped pay for those?? Nope. He suppose to pay half of all medical yet he doesn't i do. He doesn't do anything really yet he wants half of the income tax i receive. Just doesn't make any sense now does it. Greed. Selfish. That's all it is. All he can worry about is money when he should be calling an asking what can he do, how are the kids, how is school. He is missing so many important things in the kids life an all he can think about is money an what he thinks he deserves. Think he was around the first time C read a book all by himself with no help?? Or A's first soccer goal?? How about Kk's first time sticking her toes in the sand at the beach?? The list grows everyday an it makes me sad. How can you act like your own kids don'texist?? I am aware i have no way of knowing what Chris feels but from anyone looking in on this including his own family can see Chris has given up on being a father to his kids. The day he walked out is the day he washed his hands i guess. Out of sight out of mind. I cant say i mind being the one who goes to all there games an school functions going to the hundred doctor, dentist, or eye appointments. teacher parent conferences getting up all through the night cause of fever or a belly ache. Washing a million loads of laundry a week, picking out anything green out of supper cause eww its gross an filling up the pantry with millions of after school snacks cause mom you promised. Saying okay its your turn to play the wii but only 30 Mins. i have to be the mom the dad the good guy the bad guy i have to be everything. I'm mommy an nothing can compare to the love i have an share with my kids. I wake up every morning an see there precious faces an i kiss there tiny lips every night before bed. They know ill never leave ill never walk out ill never abandon them. I always hug them even when I'm mad i always say im sorry when im wrong i always say i love you even if I'm just running to the store an right back. So yes I'm mad I'm beyond mad right now. How dare you want to take food from there mouths take what isn't yours that money is NOT yours. I will defend my kids an stand up for whats theres. I am there voice an i will scream. Okay i believe i am done venting. oh an some random info i am on my 13th day of being smoke free. its also raining like crazy outside =)I went to an ARD meeting for C's speech today an was glad to hear all the wonderful things everyone had to say about him. Hes so smart an sweet he is ahead of his class etc. Sorry if anything is out of place or spelled wrong. Just not in the mood to make it look perfect im sure you will understand. An other then all that mess today is pretty decent. Welp gotta go lay miss kk down for her nap an make me some lunch =)
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